EPISIOTOMY is a surgical incision of the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall generally done by a midwife or obstetrician.

 Episiotomy is usually performed during the second stage of labor when the baby’s head is crowned  to quickly enlarge the opening for the baby to pass through.

It’s done so baby can quickly be delivered and also to prevent tears that can be difficult to repair

The midwife during labor will assess the need for it. If the perineum is not stretching enough and she anticipates it can cause a tear or delay in the birthing process she may decide to give an episiotomy after seeking your consent

Some other conditions that may necessitate an episiotomy include… Big baby,vacuum or force delivery , breech birth, prolonged birth, premature birth etc

It’s not a routine. Many women do not need an episiotomy.  Preparing your perineum can also help in reducing the need for it.

Self care after an episiotomy is also a necessity for proper healing !

Ask you midwife or doctor about it

 What has been your experience about it?

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