In utero it is expected that baby gains some weight till birth. The estimated normal weight for a new born baby is 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

It’s important to note that some factors can cause your baby to have less weight. Let’s discuss them

  1. Poor nutrition. If the mum does not eat a well Balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients it can cause the baby to have less weight than expected
  2. Pre eclampsia. If you have pre eclampsia and it’s not properly managed it can affect the weight of the baby. Baby will be smaller than expected
  3. Infections. Infections like malaria ,urinary tract infection etc can affect the baby negatively if not treated promptly
  4. Genetics can also play a role in the weight of your baby
  5. Poor lifestyle choices. In general the outcome of your pregnancy can be affected by your Lifestyle. Avoid unprescribed medications, exercise regularly and maintain strict personal hygiene

Always work with your doctor if you have concerns about your baby’s weight gain

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