A vacuum extraction, also known as vacuum-assisted delivery, is used to help move the baby through the birth canal during delivery when a mom’s labor has stalled.

How it is performed – A soft or rigid cup with a handle and a vacuum pump is attached to the baby’s head to help guide the baby out of the birth canal. This is typically done during a contraction while the mother pushes.

An episiotomy may be done to hasten the procedure

It’s usually done when the mum is in the second stage of labor but too tired to push, prolonged labor or when it’s considered risky for the mum to push. When the baby is in distress it can also be used to hasten labor

During the procedure you will be given some pain medication or epidural to reduce the pain

Vacuum delivery comes with its risk and therefore has to be done by skilled person when all other conditions in the mum and baby allows that

If the vacuum fails a cesarean section will immediately be done.

Cooperate with your midwife or doctor for the best results

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