To reduce maternal complications we have to talk about the problems we face in Africa

The uterus is the organ that carries pregnancy till birth

It is recommended that if you have a baby you wait for at least two years so it can regain its strength before the next baby especially with cesarean section.

Mothers with previous c/s who get pregnant within two years are likely to go through another planned c/s so they don’t go into labor since it can lead to a ruptured uterus

Some mothers also take medications to speed up labor, when contractions are excessive it can lead to a ruptured uterus. It’s important that you never take any medication to speed up your birth at home.

Women who have given birth to many children and also in short intervals also have a high risk of ruptured uterus.

The risk is that the woman loses a lot of blood within a short time and can lead to fetal or maternal complications if an immediate cesarean section is not done to repair in minutes.

Speak to your midwife or doctor about your risk and how you can prevent it.

Note all these circumstances mentioned here can be managed and you will go through a successful pregnancy. Speak to your midwife or doctor now!

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