Sally, I have been trying for a long time. I want to get pregnant but it’s not happening. What should I do?
Sally: Have you visited the hospital with your husband to be checked as well? Answer…. “No”
Unfortunately many women carry the blame when it comes to issues with fertility, but it’s not supposed to be so.
When it comes to infertility it’s not one sided.
No matter how well you are if your partner or husband is not involved you may not yield any good results.
Infertility has so many other causes and every one’s cause may differ.
Today, my focus is on women taking all the blame, doing everything possible and not getting results
Involve your partner. For a man’s sperm to fertilise an egg it has to be of high #quality #quantity and should I be able to swim. #motility
Unfortunately problems with sperm are real. But they can be treated.
The point is to involve your partner when there are issues of infertility. He may also need some care.
If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year without any results. It’s time to speak to a Gynaecologist. Someone’s remedy is not your remedy!
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