#MyBirthStory from @Offebs
I had a pretty much easy pregnancy from day one apart from poor appetite
Everything was going on smoothly until I got to 32 weeks where I was diagnosed with oligohydraminous (little fluid around the baby)
I guess it was as a result of me not eating and drinking properly and also 12 hour shift of work 5 times a week
I was put on a stick bed rest as well as an input and output chart
As at 33 weeks I couldn’t feel baby move properly so I went to take a scan which showed the fluid has reduced drastically and baby needs to be delivered
Fortunately or unfortunately I had 2 specialist taking care of me since am a health worker, (ie a specialist where I work and where I attend antenatal)
So it was the specialist where I work who did the scan and made an impression of an emergency c/s at 33 weeks ?? Oligohydraminous
I thought it wise to inform my gynea specialist where I attend ANC he made me come in quickly and accessed baby
Yes it was true that the fluid had reduced but everything about baby was fine besides as at 33 weeks she was underweight and also a preterm so together we decided to keep baby and be monitoring weekly to see and improvement and that’s exactly what we did
Everything seemed to be going on well weekly
So as at 38 weeks we decided to do an induction to deliver baby
So on Sunday, I got admitted and my labs were taken, baby was also monitored and everything was fine
Monday, 4am induction begun
Everything was going on well, I could stand the pain since I have a high pain stress hold I was dilating accordingly too
As at 9pm I was 5cm gone but baby’s head was down in pelvis which made me want to push with every contraction, so I was given spinal to numb the pain As at 12am Tuesday I was 8cm dilated but baby’s heart rate kept dropping
So we had to do an emergency c/s
At 1:15 baby was delivered with a weight of 2.7kg
Every other thing was fine
Mummy and baby are well
Advice: It can cause malformations, Infections, fetal demise and fetal distress. Report early when your water breaks. Cooperate with your doctor when diagnosed of oligohydraminous.
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