#MyBirthStory from @Offebs
I had a pretty much easy pregnancy from day one apart from poor appetite

Everything was going on smoothly until I got to 32 weeks where I was diagnosed with oligohydraminous (little fluid around the baby)

I guess it was as a result of me not eating and drinking properly and also 12 hour shift of work 5 times a week
I was put on a stick bed rest as well as an input and output chart

As at 33 weeks I couldn’t feel baby move properly so I went to take a scan which showed the fluid has reduced drastically and baby needs to be delivered

Fortunately or unfortunately I had 2 specialist taking care of me since am a health worker, (ie a specialist where I work and where I attend antenatal)

So it was the specialist where I work who did the scan and made an impression of an emergency c/s at 33 weeks ?? Oligohydraminous

I thought it wise to inform my gynea specialist where I attend ANC he made me come in quickly and accessed baby

Yes it was true that the fluid had reduced but everything about baby was fine besides as at 33 weeks she was underweight and also a preterm so together we decided to keep baby and be monitoring weekly to see and improvement and that’s exactly what we did

Everything seemed to be going on well weekly
So as at 38 weeks we decided to do an induction to deliver baby

So on Sunday, I got admitted and my labs were taken, baby was also monitored and everything was fine

Monday, 4am induction begun
Everything was going on well, I could stand the pain since I have a high pain stress hold I was dilating accordingly too

As at 9pm I was 5cm gone but baby’s head was down in pelvis which made me want to push with every contraction, so I was given spinal to numb the pain As at 12am Tuesday I was 8cm dilated but baby’s heart rate kept dropping

So we had to do an emergency c/s
At 1:15 baby was delivered with a weight of 2.7kg
Every other thing was fine

Mummy and baby are well

Advice: It can cause malformations, Infections, fetal demise and fetal distress. Report early when your water breaks. Cooperate with your doctor when diagnosed of oligohydraminous.

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Though pregnancy is carried by the woman the support of her partner will definitely play a key role in the outcome of the pregnancy and also help the journey to be smooth

These are 10 things a partner can do

🔴Make sure your wife is emotionally stable. Make her happy

🔴Attend antenatal with her

🔴Remind her to take her medication

🔴Exercise with her. Go for walks together

🔴Plan her mode of transportation

🔴Encourage her to eat nutritious meals

🔴Help her with her daily activities to reduce her stress

🔴Remind her of her next appointment

🔴Make sure to support her financially so she can provide for her basic needs.

🔴Have an emergency plan in case of any unforeseen complication

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The perineum refers to the area between the vagina opening and the anus

During birth pressure from the baby’s head or presenting part can cause the perineum to tear on its own. It ranges from a 1st degree tear to a 4th degree tear which is more severe

Majority of the tears are first degree and can usually heal on its own

Third and fourth degree tears can result in fistula, post traumatic stress disorder among others

Some reasons for perineal tear include

🔴If it’s your first delivery.

🔴The position of the baby (face-up deliveries).

🔴Use of forceps or a vacuum during delivery.

🔴A large baby (more than 8 pounds).

🔴If you’ve had an episiotomy.

Some midwives anticipate the possibility of a tear and give an episiotomy instead to prevent complications

Some perineal tears can be mild and can heal even without repair. Some are more severe and needs repair

To prevent perineal tear

🔴Cooperate with your midwife

🔴Perineal massage

🔴Exercise during pregnancy

🔴Give birth at the right place with skilled professionals

🔴Choose the right birth positions

Speak to your doctor or midwife to learn more about it.

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You have carried your pregnancy for several months and now you are almost through but anxiety increases and you feel like even ending the pregnancy when labor has not set in

Its completely ok to feel that way. You want some relief from all the discomforts

Some times you wonder even if its normal to feel that way.

Some of the things that will happen towards the end of pregnancy include

🔴 Lower back pain

🔴Lower abdominal pain

🔴Increased vaginal discharge

🔴Increased urinary frequency

🔴Lack of sleep due to position problems


🔴Nausea and heartburns

🔴Pain in your perineum etc


Most of these things are completely normal and occurs due to your hormones and also the increase in bump size

Its important to stay calm. Perform activities that will take your mind off the anxiety by exercising, listening to music etc. Speak to someone about your feelings and seek help

Continue to take care of your nutrition, personal hygiene and report if you see something isn’t going well.

Finally pack your hospital bag and be ready for delivery

Monitor your baby’s movement

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Have you wondered what the midwife might be looking for especially when she is examining your bumb? Let me make it simple for you.. I have also been there before

Abdominal examination is part of the general examination done by the midwife for all expectant mums. This is one of the crucial ones since you are pregnant

She will first ask you to empty your bladder and position you on a comfortable bed or couch. She provides privacy and exposes your abdomen.


She inspects your abdomen for the skin color, scars, size, shape and also the strae. All this has its meaning. A previous scar can let her know you had a previous surgery and it will be used in your care


You will also notice that she uses her palm to palpate or feel what is in your abdomen. She is trying to find out how your baby is lying and presenting. Meaning is baby coming with head first, buttocks or some other part?

Fundal height measurements

She will also take note of the uppermost part of the womb called the fundus. The midwife will use a tape measure to measure the length of your bump. She has her reference points. This is very crucial because it gives her an estimation of how old or how well your baby is growing. Example if you are 20 weeks your bump should also be + or – 2 (18 to 22) . Any figure within this is considered normal. If your Bump is 20cm and you are already 30 weeks your midwife will raise an alert there could be growth restriction. If you are 20 weeks gestation and bump is already 30cm with a singleton it also raises alarm. There could be a problem. Twin gestations usually have higher fundal heights. Always compare it to the previous reading to know if your bump is growing. Your midwife only starts measuring when your uterus is palpable meaning she can feel it.

Auscultation /Fetal heart

She will also listen to the fetal heart of the baby with the Fetoscope to make sure she hears your babies heartbeat.. You may be lucky to hear as well. This is unlikely if the pregnancy is in the early stage.

In all she does


2. Palpation

3.Fundal height measurement

4. Auscultation /listen to the fetal heart

She may not be able to figure out everything, give her every information example previous surgeries, medical conditions like ulcer etc.. It will be done at each visit. Ask questions to know how your pregnancy is doing.

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Afternoon Midwife Sally. I want to ask this question, is it safe for pregnant women to do belly massage, I mean those traditional massages offered by elder women in the society? for example when the baby’s head hasn’t dropped down this elders can massage the belly to initiate the head to drop down. Are this massages clinical proven to be ok.

Sally: In my line of duty, we have experienced similar cases where women go to untrained persons for their baby’s to be turned. Example when a baby is breech they try to maneuver the baby to get into the right position without any scan, special skills or proper monitoring

Some come with placenta abruptio. Placenta separating prematurely due to the maneuver. Which further results in bleeding and complications.

It’s important you to seek help from trained professionals

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Midwife Sally, God richly bless you for the good work you are doing

I am carrying my second pregnancy and just want to tell you my experience here (Name withheld) when I was first pregnant.

I started my antenatal when I was three weeks pregnant until I gave birth. And through out this period, I have never gone for Antenatal and they will educate me about pregnancy and the problems associated with it.

It was not the main hospital but a private clinic. I didn’t even know that when is time to give birth the midwife has to insert her hand in my vagina to know where it has gotten to.

Is actually frustrating when you find yourself in this situation

This is my second pregnancy and am about 13weeks pregnant. I am yet to start antenatal. Am learning a lot of things since I joined your class.

May the Almighty God continue to bless you and lift you to higher grounds so that you can do more to help the less privilege ones.

Our class provides and takes care of any frustrations you may have as a new mum.

Results oriented. Join us now . 024 228 1957
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Midwife Sally what causes the water around a baby to become greenish and why do midwives/doctors consider it as an emergency?

During pregnancy the baby is surrounded by fluid/water which is called #liquor. It protects the baby in utero.

#Meconium is the first stool of the baby and it is also greenish in color

In utero a healthy baby will not poo into the liqour that surrounds it.

Several factors can cause your baby to go into distress in utero. Once your baby does not get enough oxygen in utero, with time if no intervention is given. The anal sphincter muscles and the other sphincter muscles of the baby will relax.

Baby will start to poo into the amniotic fluid, and also aspirate. Meconium liqour can also get into the respiratory system. It gives the liqour that greenish color

If your waters break and the liqour is greenish in color it shows that your baby may be deprived of oxygen and is struggling to survive. Delivery has to be as soon as possible to prevent further complications.

The more greenish or thick the liqour is the worse the complications can be.

Always cooperate with your midwife or doctor to expedite delivery. The earlier baby is delivered the better complications are reduced.

In some cases an emergency Caesarian section can be done to save the baby. Other investigations will be done to ascertain whether baby Is really in distress or not.

If you get into labor pay attention to the liqour around the baby, if it’s greenish in color immediately alert the medical staff or report immediately to the hospital. That is possible if your water has broken.

Once baby is born, they may need additional care at the neonatal intensive care unit or help with breathing.

Midwives are always be ready to resuscitate new born that need help with breathing.

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One main concern women have during labor is vaginal examination. Some have asked whether something else can be done to substitute vaginal examination during labor.

It’s one of the procedures that just can’t be avoided once you are In labor as it’s significance can’t be underestimated. It can be done using a speculum or the fingers, sometimes both. There are key roles it plays. Vagina examination allows your midwife or doctor to check the following

🔴Vulva and vagina to make sure it’s can allow vaginal delivery. No sores, rashes, female circumcision etc

🔴Cervix-It’s dilation

🔴Membranes- Whether it’s intact or not

🔴Liquor- If the water around baby is clear r meconium stained

🔴Presenting part- Which part of the baby is coming first

🔴Pelvis- Whether it’s adequate or not

It is an uncomfortable procedure and can be a little painful. Your doctor or midwife will prepare you by informing, seeking your consent and reassuring you before its done

Its done usually after an abdominal examination. It is not done except it is really needed as frequent vaginal examination can result in infection if care is not taken. It is done under sterile conditions. During labor it is usually done every 4 hours and more frequently when it is very necessary.

Your midwife will communicate all finding ro you after the procedure. Cooperate with your doctor or midwife for the best outcomes.

In some cases vaginal examination may be contraindicated. Example. Complete placenta previa previa.

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PINK- The color of your new born baby at birth should be pink

It shows that baby has enough supply of oxygen to all parts of the body

BLUE- If the palm and feet are blue, it indicates a sign of cyanosis, a sign of reduced oxygen.

Cyanosis or reduced oxygen is more severe when the chest region is blue.

YELLOW SKIN- Baby is jaundice and will have to be seen immediately to prevent complications. It can also be seen in the eyes, nail beds, palm and sole of the feet

Call the attention of your doctor immediately

Report if your baby is blue, pale or yellowish in color.

If your baby is dark in color and you cannot see the pink color, check the palm or the sole of the feet. It should not look pale or bluish.

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