At term your baby should be head down. The presenting part of the baby should be the head. In medical terms “occiput anterior” . If the head is delivered first the rest of the body easily follows

But unfortunately it is not the case for every one. Some baby’s present even at term with either the buttocks, hand, foot, shoulder and in some cases in a transverse lie.

This makes normal delivery in some cases a bit difficult.

Thanks to our midwives and doctors. A lot of these cases are detected earlier through palpation of the abdomen. Scan is also requested and that also helps to diagnose most of these cases before the birth of your baby

If a breech birth is diagnosed earlier, within the second trimester. There is a likelihood for baby to turn into the right position before birth. Your midwife will teach some exercise that will be helpful to you.

If detected late or baby does not change position at term, It’s important to discuss mode of delivery with your health care provider.
Natural delivery may be allowed depending on findings like baby’s weight, mothers parity, skill of the healthcare provider among others.

In some cases caesarian section will be requested to save both the life of the baby and mother.

It’s dangerous to allow traditional birth attendants to try to turn the baby. It has led to serious problems and even death of some mums. Do not allow this!

Cooperate with your health care provider to provide the best solution.

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