In breech presentation the baby is coming with the buttocks first instead of the head first.
Cephalic presentation or head first is the ideal for vagina birth. After the head is delivered its easy for the rest of the body to be delivered since it is the biggest circumference the baby has.
If you are diagnosed with breech presentation, it means your baby is not coming with the head first. It is of concern to health workers and you will be advised on what to do.
They will also plan your birth with you to avoid possible complications.
The baby may turn with some exercises taught by your midwife. In some cases your doctor may intervene with a procedure to help the baby turn.
It does not always turn it depends. Also remember that having a vaginal birth or cesarean section with a breech presentation is a decision you have to take with your doctor or midwife.
If it’s going to be a vagina birth you need a midwife/doctor specialized or experienced in breech birth. This is so important
It also depends on your individual situation. Your obstetric history among others. In some cases a cesarean section is the ideal.
Work with your doctor/midwife for the best results
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