Some complains you get from women after birth, am having severe lower abdominal pains, am bleeding a lot, I have foul smelling discharge etc. These complains should not be taken lightly. Read further to get more insight.

After the birth of your baby, the placenta has to be delivered

It has to come as complete or whole. No portion of the placenta or membranes should be left in the uterus.

The midwife examines to make sure all the lobes, membranes have all been delivered.

lf anything remains in there it can cause infection, as well as severe bleeding

The retained product can prevents the uterus from contracting.

If you suddenly have heavy bleeding after birth or an abortion , kindly report to your midwife or doctor.

Some times after an abortion, you may need
further investigations or a scan to make sure the abortion is complete and no other product of conception is left in the uterus.

Further investigations and interventions will be done to prevent further bleeding

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