Please my baby doesn’t like to suck my breast for milk, rather he will prefer I pump and take it from the feeding bottle. Any assistance to help him suck the breasts please?

The reason is when I delivered him breast milk wasn’t flowing so I had to feed with SMA until breast milk flowed.
This usually occurs when you introduce bottle feeding early to the baby.

Baby gets confused and refuses to take the breast. Baby may also refuse the bottle at a point
It’s Important to introduce a baby to breast immediately after birth and continue with exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.
For the first three weeks after birth only give breastmilk. Delay in introducing bottles or a pacifier at least for the first month if you have no issues
Before a baby is born, colostrum is readily available.
The more you breastfeed the more breastmilk will be produced
Eat more, take lots of fluids and rest
To reverse nipple confusion, gradually stop giving bottle to the baby
Stay with baby more often
Make feeding time a happy time for baby

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