Banku and okro oooo
I had a favorite joint…the place looks local…but I will go there and enjoy my food angasagasa
My husband is ahia so I kept my joint a secret from him, I don’t know which of my house witches asked me to
Show him that joint one evening….i sent him there he and decided to go and get me the banku and okro from IKES CAFE instead of my favorite joint ooo
I was on the floor waiting for him with my bowl and water ready…he served it p33333
I said eeeei Nana wakum me
Aduane b3n ni?
He’s like that your food nu was finished…
Mese woboa!
It is for travelers…they are there till late in the evening
Eeeeei i started crying…
Mesuu boie boie oi boie saaaa and he couldn’t even go back….
After delivery,i pass that place i don’t even watch there…..eeeei yinsen y3 dambc oooo🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for sis Joyce for this wonderful contribution
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